The most important item we needed was a place to sleep. There are many ways you can configure a bed in a van. Many people build their own raised bed in the back of their van and store their stuff underneath. In Canyonlands, Utah a few months ago we ran across a camper van that did just that. A company out of Los Angeles had converted Ford Express type vans to campers and they were renting them to travelers.
Escape Camper Vans Vacation Rental |
I felt that space could be saved if we put in bunk beds. We searched the internet for a portable bunk bed and found a good one. It's called the Disc-O-Bed Cam-O-Bunk. They are a heavy duty cot bunks that are made for the military for mash units and such. They are currently $260 at Cabelas.
Greg on lower bunk of Cam-O-Cot-Bunk in the Nissan NV |
More on how we outfitted our NV later....
Copyright (C) 2011 Greg Kendall. All Rights Reserved.
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